Another day, another tune-up high pressure sales call from Heroic Heating & Air. After performing the tune-up, Heroic’s repairman said that the furnace’s heat exchanger should be replaced because it looked “iffy”. They didn’t actually find a problem with the heat exchanger mind you. And they certainly didn’t follow the AHRI approved inspection procedure. They just had suspicions. In other words, their recommendation was made up from whole cloth.
Continue reading Iffy
Tag: Heroic
Un-Believably In-Famous
This is unbelievable. It’s so unbelievable that I asked the homeowner if she was making it up. Well… I didn’t put it that way. I asked if she was exaggerating. She insisted she wasn’t. I’m not actually that surprised. We are talking about the infamous Heroic Heating & Air after all. They’re the biggest and baddest contractor in the whole dang town. I follow behind their rascally repairmen on a regular basis.
Continue reading Un-Believably In-Famous
If heating you is wrong…
The words “second opinion” are like music to my ears. I’m a natural educator and, as such, I enjoy giving homeowners information they didn’t get from a competitor. In many cases I’m able to offer a more cost effective solution. And in some cases I get to prove my competitor wrong. I must admit that my inner imp loves proving the competition wrong.
I heard those two melodious words today. Continue reading If heating you is wrong…
Monkey See, Monkey Do
Has monkey got a deal for you!
“Dear Friend,
Since replacing your furnace could cost you thousands of dollars, doesn’t it just make sense to consider a Tune-Up? Especially if I take all the risk, and there is no risk for you. Let me explain.”
Those are the opening words of a letter (pictured below) from the owner of Heroic Heating & Air to homeowners in his area. While considering a tune-up certainly seems to make sense, you’ll soon learn what their so-called tune-up actually makes is dollars and cents. The letter continues:
Continue reading Monkey See, Monkey Do